Severe burns can have long-lasting consequences, from chronic pain to disfigurement. For some people, these injuries affect their ability to maintain employment or care for themselves. A burn injury lawyer could help pursue financial compensation when these injuries result from negligence.
If you are living with health complications following severe burns, you might have a compensation case. Greenberg Gross is ready to help you hold the negligent party accountable for causing your injuries. You can reach out right away to our Nevada burn injury lawyer to learn more about your options.
You Could Recover Compensation for Burn Injuries From an Accident in Nevada
It is possible to recover financial compensation for burn injuries when those injuries result from an act of negligence. Every case is different, however, which means that the compensation for one burn victim could be different from another.
Several factors determine what a burn injury case is worth. These factors include the severity of the injuries, the extent of your pain, and the financial impact you experienced. Your case’s value will ultimately depend on the damages you could recover. Some include:
Lost Income
Severe burns can bring financial challenges not only for burn victims but for their families, too. If you cannot work due to your burn injuries, you could find yourself suddenly and unexpectantly without your primary source of income. Recouping the earnings that you lost during recovery could be an important part of your injury case.
Scarring and Disfiguration
Scarring and disfiguration are common with severe burns. These scars are typically painful and can affect your physical and emotional health for the rest of your life. The extent of your scarring might be subjective, but our firm could make the case that you should receive compensation for how they affect you daily.
Pain and Suffering
As is the case with scarring, your pain and suffering from a burn injury is also subjective. However, physical pain is also a major factor in most injury cases. In general, the value of your pain and suffering damages will increase based on the extent of your injuries and the total cost of your medical treatment.
Medical Costs
Medical care following a severe burn can begin with emergency care necessary to save your life or stabilize your condition. Alternatively, medical care could reduce chronic pain or relieve some of the scarring experienced due to the burn injury.
Contact Us For A Free Legal Consultation. No Fee.
Call (833) 55-FIGHTWrongful Death Damages in a Nevada Burn Injury Case
If your loved one suffered fatal burn injuries, please accept our condolences for your loss. If someone else’s carelessness or recklessness caused their wounds, we can file a wrongful death lawsuit for compensation for your family if you qualify. Awards in these cases can cover various losses stemming from the decedent’s passing, including their medical bills, the funeral and burial or cremation costs you paid for their final arrangements, and any household income lost due to their absence. Our Nevada burn injury attorney can discuss this further during a free consultation.
Parties who pursue a wrongful death lawsuit generally have two years from their loved one’s death to seek damages from a liable party, per NRS § 11.190(4)(e). We can file your case within that time to protect your right to sue.
Talk To A Trial Lawyer Who Will Seek Justice For You
Contact Us Today »Our Nevada Burn Injury Lawyer Can Lead Your Injury Case
If you are considering a burn injury lawsuit, legal counsel from our firm can help as you recover from the accident. An attorney could provide you with valuable insight into your case, possible obstacles, and what to expect along the way. What’s more, our firm could offer you peace of mind knowing that professionals are handling your lawsuit from beginning to end. Some of the benefits that come with working with our firm include:
Peace of Mind
Hiring a personal injury attorney takes the weight of worrying about your case off your shoulders and allows you to focus on healing from your injuries. When a legal professional leads your case, they will manage all tasks in your case. These include handling all communications with other parties and negotiating the appropriate compensation due to you. They will also meet your case’s statutory deadlines. According to NRS § 11.190(4)(e), you generally have two years from the accident date to file your injury case in Nevada.
Thorough Investigation
Before you can move forward with a burn injury lawsuit, it is important to understand how those injuries happened. Some burns result from unavoidable circumstances, but others happen due to negligence. Our firm could investigate the facts, determine what your case might be worth, and identify who is at fault. In some cases, multiple parties can be liable. If that’s your situation, we can list them all and seek compensation from each.
Negotiate Settlements
These cases frequently result in negotiated settlements. However, these agreements will not generally fall into your lap. Many insurance companies avoid their obligations whenever possible, but our firm can prepare for that possibility and aim to negotiate with them. We can build a strong compensation case and present it to the insurance company while seeking a fair settlement for you.
Comprehensive Approach to Litigation
In some cases, it is possible to negotiate a settlement without ever filing a lawsuit. In others, it could take extensive litigation to secure a favorable outcome. An attorney could help you navigate this process while handling all the complex legal maneuvers necessary along the way.
Call Us Today for Help From a Nevada Burn Injury Lawyer
If you sustained burn injuries through no fault of your own, now is the time to consider your legal options. A personal injury lawsuit might provide you with the resources you need to cover your medical costs and address your other hardships.
The personal injury team at Greenberg Gross will advocate for you and your family throughout this important process. To learn more about how a Nevada burn injury lawyer could help, reach out as soon as possible for your free consultation.
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