The person or business that is liable for the accident is responsible for paying your medical bills in a personal injury case. However, this payment won’t come until the case is settled and finished.
The Type of Accident Can Affect Who Pays Your Medical Bills
The type of accident can determine who pays your medical bills and other losses. However, it is important to note that in most injury cases, you will be responsible for paying for your medical bills upfront.
Auto Accident in a No-Fault State
A no-fault state requires drivers to carry personal injury protection (PIP) (also known as “no-fault”) coverage. Regardless of who is responsible for the accident, you must file a claim for your injuries with your own insurance first. This coverage can help pay for a portion of your medical bills and lost wages from the accident.
If you meet certain criteria (which differ by state), you can “step outside the no-fault system” and file a claim against the other driver. They will then be responsible for the remainder of your medical bills.
Auto Accident in a Fault State
If another driver caused your accident in a fault state, you have the right to hold that driver liable for your medical bills.
An Accident on Someone Else’s Property
If you suffered an injury on another party’s property, you can demand compensation for your medical bills from that person in an injury claim.
Work-Related Accident
If you are hurt in a work incident, your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance will cover your medical bills as they come. You should not have to pay a deductible or any bills related to your injuries from a work-related accident.
Special Cases When You Don’t Have to Pay Your Medical Bills
There are a couple of ways you can be temporarily relieved of paying your medical bills after an accident:
- Letters of Protection – Some providers will provide care with no upfront costs if you promise that you will pay them back after you win your injury case.
- Pre-Settlement Funding – You may be able to seek funding prior to a settlement to pay for the mounting bills during the legal process.
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Call (833) 55-FIGHTYour Medical Bills Could Cost You Tens of Thousands of Dollars or More
You should get medical care if you feel any discomfort at all after an accident. Unfortunately, getting medical help can be scary as bills can total into the tens of thousands depending on the severity of an accident. You could find yourself covering the costs of the following:
- An ambulance ride
- Emergency room evaluation
- Hospital stay
- Doctor appointments
- Specialist’s appointments, including rehabilitation
- Medications
It’s important to remember that you can recover your medical expenses from the liable party. Make sure you keep a detailed record of the treatment you have received, along with any bills. If you fail to keep certain receipts, you may be unable to recover those costs in an injury claim.
Do Not File a Claim Until You Have Reached Maximum Medical Improvement
It is important you wait to file until you’ve reached maximum medical improvement (MMI) or you have a comprehensive treatment plan. This will give the most accurate information on your medical costs. If you file before you have a complete treatment plan or have reached maximum medical improvement, you could end up paying out of pocket for any care you need later on.
How Do I Pay My Medical Bills Until the Settlement Is Reached?
Typically, regardless of the type of personal injury claim you are filing, you are responsible for making sure the medical bills are being paid. This could be from a health insurance plan, any other applicable insurance coverage, or out-of-pocket payments.
In most cases, medical insurance and personal injury protection plans are used first after an accident. Once you exhaust those plans, or if you do not have those plans as an option, you will have to pay out-of-pocket for medical expenses which could be very overwhelming if you have extensive injuries.
You may have other options which our team can help you explore
Although, once you do receive a settlement or financial award after a successful personal injury claim or lawsuit, your medical insurance is entitled to reimbursement for the services they paid for on your behalf. There are limits to this, however. A lawyer from Greenberg Gross can explain the details.
Our Attorney Can Help You Recover Compensation for Medical Bills
If you have been involved in an accident and are unsure of your options, a personal injury lawyer from Greenberg Gross can evaluate your case and present a possible course of action. Hiring an attorney ensures your case is handled in the best way possible. Contact us to schedule your free consultation.
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